Sunday, January 30, 2011

So I know I havent posted in a few days. I'm going to go back to my original plan of posting once a week. I will still be taking my picture everyday! just not posting it everyday. I'm spending less and less time on the computer these days. Its amazing all the stuff u get done when the computer isnt taking up ur time!!

Friday, January 28, 2011


I have no idea why I thought this was cool but I just did...Someone took a quarter and shoved it in there really well. It was stuck. Yes I know I'm a dork...oh well. :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011


So the point of my post today is to inspire my friend to get off her lazy butt and draw my picture of Gavin.Haha totally kidding.:)    My best friend is a SUPER AMAZING artist! She can draw anything and it looks wonderful. She drew me this picture of Aiden that is hanging up in our living room.(now I need Gavins.hint,hint)  I miss her terribly and hopefully get to see her soon.:)

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Aiden loves to draw,color,paint and all of that stuff. We have a big bin with nothing but crafts. He has a blast with it. Thought I would take some pics...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 24 and 25

I didnt get a chance to post yesterdays pic so here is that one......
Day 24-I always tell my boys not to play with their food,yet here I was playing with food.Tisk Tisk what a bad example.:)

Day25-Totally Random-It was another day of pretty much nothing.Sitting around the house and hanging out with my boys. We've pretty much had nothing but lazy days for the past week. Hey nothings wrong with that. So just a random pic of our pretty lil patch of green grass thats starting to grow! lol.

So how would you like to be woken up every morning to ppl banging and everything else. It totally sucks. On the plus side I pull the blinds up and Aiden has entertainment. What better for a lil boy then to watch all the big trucks building stuff. I do hope they finish soon.
 I know nothing fun and creative. I've just been totally lazy.                                         <3<3<3<3

Sunday, January 23, 2011


So we were outside today and I was sitting there spelling things with My neighbors were out and were looking at me like I was totally weird.hahaha.Oh well.........
Michael tells me all the time he loves me forever and ever and always. <3<3<3<3

Saturday, January 22, 2011


It was a nice day so we decided to go wondering around.Here is some of our day....

We Love going out and checking out new stuff. I can't wait to go around and see some of the cool things around here!                                                                                                                              <3<3<3<3

Friday, January 21, 2011


This is my ACUnique collection I got going on so far. I got my purse,wallet,my phone case I just got today and the coin purse I actually won it a contest! I love her work and you should go check it out!! I actually have another item she is working on and cant wait to get it!! 

Also,someone asked me the other day why I feel the need to always add <3<3<3 to everything. Simple anwser to heart for Michael,one for Aiden and one for Gavin. Now I've been using <3<3<3<3 caue hopefully SOON there will be another lil Falk!

Thursday, January 20, 2011


They werent kidding when they said it rains A LOT here!! Yesterday for the first time in what seems like forever the sun was out! The boys love to go outside so I just had to take them.

He was so happy to be outside. They are total outside boys.Me on the other hand would rather stay away from all the dirt and bugs.Oh well it is what it is.<3<3<3

BUT of course its all nasty out today and is supposed to I want the nice warm weather back!!!!


Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So you will probably see lots of stuff Army related on here.After all it is a BIG part of the Falk household. Here is some of it to show our support....

I got a bracelet for me.Its ACU and pink,yes it goes together great! lol.
The boys also have their own braclets. It's the son of a service member braclet.Blue with ACU in the middle.Both of these were made by Hero On My Wrist! She is great and you should check her out!

The lil things to show our support for not only my husband but the rest of our troops!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


Ok so this one is kind of embarrasing BUT I figured no better motivation for my weight loss goals! I'm proud of every strech mark that my boys gave me but this extra weight has to go!
2 kids later and my body is not the same. I want to lose 10 lbs and feel better about myself!!!
Starting weight:115
Goal weight:105
Current pant size:5
Goal:back to my 1's!!! least my 3's!! :) I have extra wide hips

All around is just to feel better about myself.I'm tired of feeling like a fat blob. So time to get motivated and off my lazy butt!!

                                                  Ignore my ugly lil
                                       and those extra wide hips.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Thing one and thing 2. Enough said. One for Aiden and one for Gavin!

My two crazy boys. I love them to death.They make me smile each and every day. Its hard to believe how fast they are growing up!!


Ok,so I'm on this new thing.Sobe water!! I love it! Plus its helping me not drink so much soda. There are really good,you should try them out.

Saturday, January 15, 2011


So Aiden decided to draw a picture today.He told me one was a helicopter and the other was a airplane.He was so excited to hang them on the fridge! I have to say they are the best dang helicopter and plane I've ever seen. :)


I love Michael more and more everyday and I am super proud that he is in the Army! He had me my own pair of dog tags made that have my name on them and say I love you forever and always on them. <3<3<3

Thats what a pair of mechanic boots look like btw. We bought those suckers and the next day he came home with oil and everything else on them. They look 1041878758176 times worse in <3<3<3


I know I havent been posted everyday BUT I have been taking pics!!  I took a lil break from blogging and fb to spend more time with my family. Nothing is better then no computer,video games,tv and just spending time with each other!!

So this is the theme of our kitchen. Or should I say my husbands kitchen.Yes, thats right my husbands. He is the one that does most of the cooking.I HATE to cook and he LOVES it so why not?! When he gets out of the military he wants to open is own place. Who knows maybe it will happen! I have faith in him! Plus his cooking is AWESOME!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I didnt get a chance to post yesterday so here it is. Yesterday we got a new family member. He name is Sadie. She is a 10 week old beagle/shephard mix.The boys love her to death! She's a good lil girl.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


My violin! I played the violin for the longest time.I have two of them but this one is special to me. I love being able to play.The sound of the viloin is amazing(maybe not coming from me,but still) I started when I was in 5th grade and continued from there,sometimes I wish that I had taken it further.Maybe its something I will be able to pass down to my kids,who knows!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sunday, January 9, 2011


Another beautiful day in Louisiana. I love capturing  the sky as the sun goes down.
Yes I kinda cheated and took it yesterday.:)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8

I thought this would be a neat little picture to take when we were going on our walk!

Friday, January 7, 2011


So I've been housebound for the last....forever!! or so it seems.Hopefully I can get out of the house today and get some cool pics. Untill then a lil glimpse into my sat.mornings.
I wait for my Saturday morning so I can give myself my oh so lovely shot,yes shot! I have something called Human Leukocyte Antigen(HLA) B27. Pretty much means my body makes to many white blood cells and they attack anything and everything they feel like. I found this out when I was 13 and its only gotten horrible worse seen then. Because of it I've developed iritis in my eye and  ankylosing spondylitis   which has been my downfall.:( I have the bones of a 80 yr old and its just no fun! I hate not being able to run around and play with my kids. Some morning its takes 30 mins to be able to get out of bed.  BUT!!! this last yr I was given this wonderful shot! It works wonders! For the most part I am pain free :) I still have days where I dont want to move but they are few and far between.These are probably the days where you wonder why I am being so cranky! :) Hopefully they contiune to work and I dont have to be a lil old lady at the age of 20!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Nothing to fun today..havent felt that great or much up to doing anything! sooooooo....

My external hard drive and cell phone.2 of the things it would suck to live without. My computer recently told me that it was out of memory. I have way TO MANY pictures!!!and of course my celly.I'm a text addict!

Day 5

Due to the blog acting crazy last night I didnt get to post yesterday. So here is yesterdays.....

This was a gift from Michael. A heart for each of my boys. The first one is Michaels birthstone,the 2nd is Aidens and the 3rd is Gavins. The 3 who are my world.<3<3<3. I love my lil boys and husband more and more everyday!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4-I love trees.

Yes its true. I love trees. :) They are so pretty and I love taking pictures of them.There's just something...simple yet beautiful about them. Thankfully I'm in the middle of nowhere,so thats pretty much all I get to look at.Glad I love them so much!  Here are some that are in my backyard.

Monday, January 3, 2011


So in doing this blog I will be capturing my life day by day.I see it as a little glimpse into my world.So why not know a little about me.

As you guessed that^ would be me.I'm Ashley.A mommy to two handsome lil boys,and a wife to a amazing man. I tend to lack confidence,laugh to much when I'm nervous and in general a very shy person. This year I'm shooting for something else....I want to have more confidence in myself! I hope to start college and get on the road to my dreams.(besides being a mommy and wife,bc lets face it..theres NOTHING better!) I'm sure during this year you will learn more about me,and you will see I love life to the exterme! <3<3<3
Note the sippy cup in the background-yepp thats my life and its WONDERFUL!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2

So you will probably see a lot of food on my blog.Food is yummy(and I wonder why I can't loss weight lol) One of my favorite things is homemade salsa!