Wednesday, January 19, 2011


So you will probably see lots of stuff Army related on here.After all it is a BIG part of the Falk household. Here is some of it to show our support....

I got a bracelet for me.Its ACU and pink,yes it goes together great! lol.
The boys also have their own braclets. It's the son of a service member braclet.Blue with ACU in the middle.Both of these were made by Hero On My Wrist! She is great and you should check her out!

The lil things to show our support for not only my husband but the rest of our troops!


  1. love them, i may have to show off mine. ^_^

  2. these are super cute, i may have to order some :)love the 2nd pic

  3. Thanks.:) and Lenay I highly recommend ordering from her. I tried someone else and they were not as good.
